July's Bubble off

Posted by Kira 21/June/2021

It is with great pleasure and sadness that we announce the final... yes FINAL instalment of the Platform bubble off challenges. We know its a good thing that we can end this as we're now reuniting and becoming a group again but its also sad because its been such a big part of Platform for a year now. So its time to announce our final challenge but first we should let you in on a secret.

In the last activity bag we provided each client sunflower seeds and told them all to plant them and watch them grow ready for July where we intend to measure them up and see who has the tallest sunflower and thus wins the bubble off challenge.

This one is a little different as there is no voting on a winner we know and we're sorry but we felt like this was the best way to finish our challenges and celebrate the summer.

Whilst you cannot vote why not go over to our Facebook and show some love to what our clients have been doing.

Lots of Love

the Platform Family.
