Bubble 5 has enjoyed a variety of activities throughout the month but the most notable thing to happen was welcoming its newest member. He has since settled into the bubbles dynamic and is always contributing to the activities.
Bubble 5 have enjoyed a multitude of activities including a walk to go to the shops, a walk to go and see the horses, a trip to Brigg garden center, Tesco, East park, Hornsea, Cottingham for a haunted house hunt, Fair maid and many other places.
These visits into the community have allowed for the development of key skills such as independence by being able to pay for their own items at the pub/restaurant or shop, it has also promoted key interaction between themselves and those in the community and has provided each client with some great memories.
During their time inside of Platform bubble 5 have created Halloween art designing and painting pumpkins, carving pumpkins, making halloween stained glass windows, silhouette bats and have enjoyed sensory activities including playing with musical instruments and salt dough.